TV Tonight: October 4, 2017
A quick look at the night's premieres and finales on broadcast an cable TV.

- 8:00 PM - Nature (PBS)
- 9:00 PM - Little Women: Dallas (Lifetime)
- 9:00 PM - The Real Housewives: NJ (Bravo)
- 9:00 PM - Rehab Addict (DIY)
- 9:00 PM - Unusual Suspects (ID)
- 9:00 PM - Wheeler Dealers (Velocity)
- 9:00 PM - Buying & Selling (HGTV)
- 9:00 PM - Going RV (GAC)
- 10:00 PM - Cheap Eats (Cooking)
- 8:00 PM - NL Wild Card Game: COL v ARZ (TBS)
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