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Ratings Review: ESCAPE ROUTES

Like most of the viewing public, I did not watch a single moment of ESCAPE ROUTES, so I have no idea how well or bad it was produced. I am not sure it even really mattered since this was nothing more than a glorified informercial by FORD Motor Company.

TV-aholic on FacebookThe ratings are the worst every for a BIG 4 network. Who knows, if this had not been dumped on a Saturday night, it may have done no worse than say COMMUNITY or WHITNEY or ARE YOU THERE CHELSEA?

Saturdays, 8:00pm (FOX)
Date       Viewers(M)    A18-49
03.31.12      1.10         0.2 (Premiere)
04.07.12      1.10         0.3 
04.14.12      1.00         0.2
04.21.12      1.10         0.3
04.28.12      1.10         0.3
05.05.12      1.20         0.3 (Season Finale)

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