Podcast Review: Ten Minute Podcast
I picked up a brand new podcast a couple of weeks ago that is very apply titled TEN MINUTE PODCAST.

TMP is a strait forward comedy podcast that features Will Sasso (MADtv, $#!* MY DAD SAYS), Chris D'Elia (WHITNEY), and Bryan Callen (MADtv, The Hangover). The three comedians just start riffing for exactly ten minutes. There is no real format or topics for each episode. It is just straight, quick, comedic fun.
TMP is, for the most part, a daily podcast. They have missed some days and others, they push out two episodes. They plan to go down to two episodes a week in the near future.
This is podcast is for adult audiences. There is a lot of profanity and sexual content in every episode.
On a scale of 1-10, I would rate the first 12 episodes at about a solid 7. Check out a sample episode below and you can subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher Smart Radio or at the TMP web site at http://tenminutepodcast.com/
TMP is a strait forward comedy podcast that features Will Sasso (MADtv, $#!* MY DAD SAYS), Chris D'Elia (WHITNEY), and Bryan Callen (MADtv, The Hangover). The three comedians just start riffing for exactly ten minutes. There is no real format or topics for each episode. It is just straight, quick, comedic fun.
TMP is, for the most part, a daily podcast. They have missed some days and others, they push out two episodes. They plan to go down to two episodes a week in the near future.
This is podcast is for adult audiences. There is a lot of profanity and sexual content in every episode.
On a scale of 1-10, I would rate the first 12 episodes at about a solid 7. Check out a sample episode below and you can subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher Smart Radio or at the TMP web site at http://tenminutepodcast.com/
Sample Episode:
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