TOP 10: My Favorite Shows of 2014
So, lets kick things of with my the honorable mentions. Favorites that just got squeezed out of the top 10. TALKING DEAD on AMC. From FOX, the sitcom BROOKLYN NINIE-NINE and the action drama SLEEPY HOLLOW. JUSTIFIED on FX, about to start its last season. And, finally the low rated & cancelled THE ASSETS, from ABC.
THE BIG BANG THEORY has a lot more viewers and is vastly more popular, but laugh for laugh, NEW GIRL is just as funny. I personally like the antics of Nick and Schmidt. Their interactions with the others elevates the fun and laughter. it is too bad only about 5-6 million people actually watch the series.
The new FOX drama based on the BATMAN franchise, but focused on a young Detective James Gordon. We get to see the origins of some of the, sometime childhoods, of some of the great villains of Batman lore and the style of the production is just different enough to be its own and not replicate any of the movies or TV series.
I have been a big fan of this series, since we discovered it in 2012. It may be the best science fiction TV series since STAR TREK: TNG, in my opinion. Season four was not as good as the previous three, but was still very entertaining. I can't wait to see how the story wraps up this spring/summer, with the fifth and final season.
I still don't see why A&E cancelled this series. It is one of the better watched shows on cable, ranging between 3 and 4 million viewers, plus a decent, not great, A18-49 rating. But A&E's loss is Netflix's gain. LONGMIRE has a great underlining storyline, with great standalone episodes to complement it. The characters and cast are a perfect blend.
I have never been a fan of James Spader, but he is not only perfect for this role, he is awesome in this role. This is one of the very few network TV series that has the leading man as a "black hat" hero. He is a criminal, through and through, but his criminal actions eventually serve a purpose for good. Or, at least in his eyes.
Another time period drama, set in the early 80's, about Russian spies posing as Americans, and reporting/engaging in activity around Washington D.C. This show has great actors portraying great characters, acting out great stories. The dynamic of the "married" spy couple dealing with their jobs as spies, while raising two children, who dod not know what they do. Add in the FBI and the Soviet embassy in the mix and you have a great series.
This is the story of Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking set in the 1300's, and his rise to King and expansion to and the raiding of England, and western Europe. This international production has great landscapes as their backdrops and great characters to invest in. Season three starts in February, so do yourself a favor and catch up on the first 20 episodes over this holiday season. You will not be disappointed.
This is easily my favorite, all-time TV Western. Like Vikings, its beautiful on location sites are breath taking. The cast of characters are not only great, but as each season comes and goes, the new characters are just as good, if not better, than the originals. The story has taken so many turns, like life itself, you will not see any redundant storytelling. Just 14 episodes remain of the series as AMC will split them up over 2015 and 2016.
Yes, I love historical dramas. And, TURN is one of my new favorites. The series is about "a Setauket, New York farmer and his childhood friends form an unlikely group of spies, called the Culper Ring." The main focus is on one man, who married his brother's wife, after his death, as was the exceptions of the day. His former fiancee, who he still longs for. His father, who is the town's judge. And, the occupying British army in the town. The series feels authentic to the era and delivers on the drama and story. I highly recommend this series.
How can you go wrong with a action drama about a Zombi apocalypse? There is a reason THE WALKING DEAD is the most popular, TV show on TV today. In delayed viewing, it attracts more viewers than NCIS and beats NFL games in the A18-49 ratings. The series is not about the zombies, but how people deal with the situation of anarchy. Characters change as time goes on, some losing it, other becoming hardened. The writing for this show may be the best in all of television.
So, these are my favorite shows of the past year. What are yours? Let us know in the comment section
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