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Ratings Review: CW Wednesdays - November Sweeps

The CW Wednesday nights looks to be very representative of how the network is rebuilding itself. The series are a little less female skewing, and tend to draw a more general audience. I believe this is a step in the right direct.

ARROW battles with THE VAMPIRE DIARIES as the most watched series on The CW. During the sweeps month, ARROW edged TVD by 14% in total viewers. Even though it is only in it's second season, it is almost assured to go at least five season, unless something unexpected happens. Let's hop that the planed spin-off of THE FLASH does happen and then the CW could see it's first 3 million viewer average night on the schedule, in quite a long time.

THE TOMORROW people seems to have found it's core audience. The numbers tend to look like this in most weeks. Other than SUPERNATURAL, it is the next best series to follow ARROW, however, it still has a long way to go before long term success can be achieved. Next season, it may find it self renewed, but will be scheduled on a new night.

The night before Thanksgiving, the CW gave the regular series a rest and aired the classic comedy PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES, starring Steve Martin and John Candy. The movie drew 1.8 million viewers and a 0.5 demo rating.

Series Category Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 AVG
Arrow Viewers* 2.80 3.09 2.66 2.85
A18-49 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.1
The Tomorrow People Viewers* 1.56 1.65 1.70 1.64
A18-49 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
* - in millions

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