CBS Would be Interested in Buying Sony Pictures
Sony Corp. has not officially put its film and television assets up for sale, but some in Hollywood and the financial community believe the Japan-based conglomerate would consider shedding its LA-based studios for the right price.
Here is a look at some of those Sony assets that could become available.
In TV programming content, CBS could end up with owning WHEEL OF FORTUNE, JEOPARDY, SEINFELD, and KING OF QUEENS. Classic Screen Gems shows like BEWITCHED and I DREAM OF JEANNIE, THE MONKEES and THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY. Game shows THE JOKERS WILD and TIC-TAC-DOUGH.
CBS would instantly be a player in theatrical movies with the Columbia Pictures and Tri-Star studios. It would own and have rights to all of their content and franchises, which includes The James Bond Movies.
The only downside to the hypothetical purchase of Sony Pictures is the lack of cable networks.That is one area CBS is truly lacking and can't compete with Disney/ABC, Comcast/NBC and FOX. We'll see what 2013 brings.
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