Ratings Review: THE CATALINA

You have to give credit to The CW. Unlike last summer, they are at least trying to produce and populate the summer schedule with original programming. But when you are the CW and you are airing those projects that didn't make the cut for the regular season, do not expect any ratings success.
Two weeks after the finale episode of THE CATALINA aired, the CW aired a 30 minute special on THE BATMOBILE. The same time period as THE CATALINA. The special is the only CW program this summer to attract over 1 million viewers. So, don't think that it was the fault of the time period. In fact, it could be said that perhaps the CW needs to change the focus of its programming. Say good by to show like THE CATALINA, GOSSIP GIRL and 90210 and go after the young male demographic with show like ARROW and a new BATMAN project for TV.
Tuesdays, 8:00pm (CW)
Date Viewers(M) A18-49 ----------------------------------------------- 05.29.12 0.94 0.3 (Series Premiere) 06.05.12 0.65 0.3 06.12.12 0.55 0.2 06.19.12 0.77 0.3 06.26.12 0.49 0.2 07.03.12 0.47 0.2
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