KEVIN POLLAK'S CHAT SHOW is one of my favorite entertainment podcast programs. It is so good and fun, that it really should be on TV. But then again, its the medium that allows KPCS to be what it is.
KPCS is your straight forward talk show, but for a podcast, you get some of the top names in Hollywood as the subjects of the interview. Great Hollywood artists like Matthew Perry, John Landis, Ed O'Neil, Dana Carvey, James L. Brooks, Eugene Levy, Billy Bob Thorton, Rob Reiner, Tom Hanks, and many, many more. Kevin's 30+ years in the business allows him the contacts to get A list celebrities. In fact, Kevin has interviewed over 140 guests in the three years of KPCS.

I should correct myself now. Kevin Pollak has conversations with his guests, not interviews. He has just one guest each week and they talk about the things we want to know and the stories we have not heard. There is no time limit to the show. If 90 minutes is all that is needed, then they are done. If 2.5 - 3 hours are needed, they stick around and talk. You never notice the time passing. The conversations are just that much fun.

It is pretty amazing how few people actually work on the show. There are nly six or seven people, behind the scenes, plus the Head Writer/ Girlfriend, Jamie FOX, and Sidekick, Sam Levine that are also on camera during the show. It just goes to show you that you can produce high quality entertainment without the huge Hollywood budget.
The podcast is "broadcast" live on most Sundays at 6pm ET/3pm PT at
kevinpollakschatshow.com. But if you can't make the live show, you can subscribe to KPCS via iTunes or YouTube. It is available in Audio and Video formats, but you must watch KPCS to get all the funny.
Now, as Kevin Pollak says at the end of every podcast. "Get out of my Face."
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