Pilot Review: Up All Night

Ok, I can use a few other words, like.... Boring, Unfunny, Dumb... I could go on & on & on.
The plot is nothing great. A married couple, who liked to party and have a good time, now have a baby. They have to fight off their old vices and be responsible parents.
UP ALL NIGHT may relate to couples that are new parents, but the one thing that is missing is the humor. The jokes go over the top instead of keeping it relatable to most people.
The supporting characters are to over the top. Everyone but Christina Applegate and Will Arnett are crazy or weird.
Oh, and I am not a fan of the bleeping out of the cursing. it takes you out of the show. Either find a cable station that you can say the words, or do say them at all.
Needless to say, I didn't like this pilot. I don't think it will get better. After all, Will Arnett is in it. If you want comedy on Wednesdays. watch THE MIDDLE, on ABC, at 8:00pm, then switch back to NBC at 8:30 for FREE AGENTS, then back to ABC for MODERN FAMILY at 9:00pm.
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