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SyFy Cancels CAPRICA.... Thank The Gods!

Earlier this week SyFy canceled the Battlestar Galactica prequel, CAPRICA, and all I can say is "Thank The Gods!"

I watched every episode of the first half of season one, which aired earlier in the year and other than the pilot, I was completely board with the series. It was slow, redundant and about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

CAPRICA's pilot and original premise was great. The birth and creation of the the Cylon race, by the humans of the colonies. I even loved the thought that placing of a dead daughters conciousness  in a machine was very original. But sadly, the execution of the series never matched the concept of the series.

CAPRICA had more in common with Daytime dramas, like The Guiding Light, than it did with the series from which it was spun from. There was a lot of things happening, but nothing was ever accomplished. Things are no different now, than they were in episode two. Come to think of it, CAPRICA reminds me a lot of HEROES, in this aspect.

I have heard and seen blogs written about how innovative and cutting edge CAPRICA's subject matter and stories were, especially for a Sci-Fi series. To that I say, there is a reason most other Sci-Fi series are not like this.... It is because other series try to be entertaining, not boring.

Now, I did catch a few minutes of last week's new episode. The story lines are almost back to where they were in episode 5 of of the season. You would think between a dozen episodes that there would be some advancement and new development in the stories.

The Ratings for CAPRICA this fall have been as bad as the stories it presents. It averages around 700k-800k in viewers and barely draws an 18-49 demo raiting (0.2).
Don't get me wrong. I was a HUGE Battlestar Galactica fan. When I first heard about he re-making of the original series, almost 10 years ago, I was so pumped. I was even one of those fans that was behind the re imaging of the series and NOT behind the Richard Hatch continuation of the series, which most fans preferred. I was sad to see the series end after just four seasons.

No, it is time to put CAPRICA out of OUR misery. It failed on all levels.

But BSG fans do not have to worry at all of this news. SyFy has ordered a two hour pilot of another prequel to the series. BLOOD & CHROME should air sometime in 2011. Hopefully this time, the producers and writers will deliver a great SERIES and not just a great concept and pilot.

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