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Review: NBC's The Event

I just finished watching the series premiere of NBC's "The Event" and I am not exactly sure how I feel about it. I am interested as to what exactly "The Event" is, yet I don't know if I want to devote the time and energy to find out. It will take patience to watch an episode and I am not sure I have them.

The Event is a 60 minute drama that only delivers about 30 minutes of original storyline in each episode. The production style uses the retelling of some scenes, which takes up 20% to 30% of the show. After a while, you get frustrated by watching the same thing, five minutes later. Again, patience is required.

The basics of the story does make it very interesting, but some of the elements of the episode were things we have seen before in other TV shows and movies. Telegraphed and obvious. Not very original, but this is the pilot, so I can over look these little things.

The one thing The Event does have going for it is the overall story they will be trying to tell us. Who are the prisoners? What is the main "Event"? How does everything interconnect?

I will give The Event a few weeks to win me over. I am not completely sold on it, but I am willing to be a little patient.

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