Digital Movies Sales & Rentals: September 2 - 8, 2019

CAPTAIN MARVEL is still chugging in the top 20, over six months since it was released in theaters.
- Men In Black: International (Sony)
- Dark Phoenix (FOX)
- IT 2017 (Warner)
- Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Warner)
- Avengers: Endgame (Disney)
- Aladdin 2019 (Disney)
- John Wick: Chap 3 - Parabellum (Lionsgate)
- Rocketman (Paramount)
- Booksmart (FOX)
- The Hustle (MGM)
- Pokemon: Detective Pikachu (Warner)
- Brightburn (Sony)
- Steven Universe: The Movie (Warner)
- Long Shot (Lionsgate)
- Bumblebee (Paramount)
- Shazam! (Warner)
- John Wick (Lionsgate)
- John Wick: Chap 2 (Lionsgate)
- Alita: Battle Angel (FOX)
- Captain Marvel (Disney)
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