XXX Summer Olympics Broadcast Ratings: 5 Days
The Tuesday night (July 31) telecast had two marquee events going its way. The USA Women Gymnastics team going for gold and Michael Phelps becoming the most decorated Olympian ever with his 19th Olympic medal. The night averaged 38.72 million viewers and a 12.8 rating in the 18-49 demographic. That demo rating represented 35% of the demo watching that telecast.
After four days of competition, the nightly average has risen to 33.7 million viewers. When you add in the Opening ceremonies, that five night average jumps to 35.1 million viewers.
2012 Summer Olympic Games in London, England.
Date Viewers(M) A18-49 ----------------------------------------------- 07.27.12 40.65 12.2 (Opening Ceremonies) 07.28.12 28.72 8.8 07.29.12 36.05 11.6 07.30.12 31.58 10.6 07.31.12 38.72 12.8 (W-Gymnastics/Phelps 19th)
Nevertheless, there shall come a time when the whole-wide-world will get a wake-up-call sent by God called the Warning; worshipping the smelly BO as our puppet 'prez' who does abortion and homoism is WRONG-O: only 2 realms after death... and 1 of 'em ain't too cool. What can you do in the final years to turn your lifelong demise around? Glad you asked. Go to your local Catholic choich and see what RCIA is. Sign-up (they started already but Jesus wants more - no, not about the moolah, God just wants 2CU happy). God bless you. _thewarningsecondcoming.com_