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Ratings Review: GCB

What was to be the heir apparent to the DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES time slot turned out to be another cluncker brought forth by ABC. GCB never lived up to the hype or expectations ABC executives had for the trashy drama. 

Launching a series in the spring is a tough job to execute. Viewership generally falls as the weather becomes warmer and the daylight is around longer. It is no surprise that the best ratings for GCB is in March, when viewership is a little stronger.

Personally, I think title (abbreviated or not) has an effect of who will sample the series to begin with. It projects a tone to the show that will turn off some viewers that may otherwise "give it a chance." A less clever title should have been chosen off the bat.

In the long run, I think ABC is better off having GCB fail. DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES was getting old and stale on its own and having a similar program take the time slot would have ultimately caused long term, negative effects. The 2012-13 Sunday schedule looks a lot better without GCB.

Sundays, 10:00pm (ABC)

Date       Viewers(M)    A18-49
03.04.12      7.56        2.2 (Series Premiere)
03.11.12      7.12        2.3
03.18.12      6.07        2.0
03.25.12      6.33        2.1
04.01.12      5.63        1.9
04.08.12      5.25        1.7 (9pm)
04.08.12      5.22        1.9 (10pm)
04.15.12      4.43        1.5
04.22.12      Preempted by Movie
04.29.12      5.52        1.8
05.06.12      5.56        1.8 (Season Finale)


  1. where do you get your info???? the show was a hit, just they where pretty much BULLIED by THE CHRISTAINS that it was in bad taste....blah blah...Only reason it was Canceled....For God Sakes, Christains on our money, in our courts, making chicken sandwhiches and know controlling what we watch...God Blessit!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I bet your favorite show was Seventh Heaven. Only good real life learning is to be had with a show like Seventh Heaven.....TV is for fun....Shouldn't those GCB Haters been at church or maybe shouldn't be watching that Box that the Devil invented and out helping, doing for others as a Good Christain Body should be doing....what others title would you think they could have called it....it was named after a Book Called Good Christain BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!


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