A Shift to Online from TV: The Light TV Viewer
All though this is a promotion piece from Google to boost sales for YouTube, the research behind it is very interesting and touches on a trend of viewing habits and why marketers and ad firms should look at this trend when purchasing advertisements for their clients.
The one thing I disagree with the video is the term 'Light TV Viewer.' It should be termed 'Light TV User.' People in this group consume just as much video as those that sit in front of a television, but they are just doing it via a computer, tablet or smart phone.
Watch the video and tell us what you think? Are 'Light TV Viewers' more valuable? Will "TV" become an online experience, instead of an over the air/cable experience, in the near future? Will 'Cutting the cord' be a cheaper alternative, or will the costs shift from one media outlet to another?
If the trend to "Cut the cord" does continue, the cable systems are already setting things into place to make us pay for using more bandwidth. Comcast will begin implementing data caps for a fee, much like cell phone companies. In the end, we may still be paying the same amount for our video consumption, but it will just be diverted to a different service.