On TV Tonight: Dancing With The Stars
Not much is know about what they will perform, but Amy Sciarretto of LoudWire.com wites:
"It’ll be interesting to see and hear which songs KISS actually play, since ‘DWTS’ guest performers usually play slower tunes as they serve as the backing house band while the dancers glide across the wooden floor to whatever song is being performed by the live act. We can’t imagine it’ll be ‘Detroit Rock City’ or ‘Cold Gin.’ Perhaps a ballad like ‘Hard Luck Woman’ or ‘Beth’ will be employed in this scenario. Guess you’ll have to tune into your local ABC affiliate next week to find out."
KISS has many "Power Ballads" in their catalog. Along with HARD LUCK WOMAN and BETH, their is the 1989 hit FOREVER that is awesome. It is my favorite "ballad" by KISS.
There is also songs like I STILL LOVE YOU, REASON TO LIVE, I WILL BE THERE, A WORLD WITHOUT HEROES, plus, they could always debut a new song, or two, from their forthcoming album MONSTER.
If you are not a fan of KISS or have never seen KISS perform LIVE, you owe it to yourself to see them once. Even on TV, they give 110% on stage. They are perhaps the best live performers in the music industry. This was evident in their JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE performance last month. That is LIVE, as in Not lip-sinking to the music.
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