Friday, August 6, 2010

POLL: What will you be watching on Tuesdays this Fall?

Tuesdays this fall, 13 series will battle it out, but what will you be watching? Will it be any of the four new series? How about transplanted veterans like One Tree Hill or longtime Tuesday staples like NCIS ?

Cast your votes on the right and leave your comments below.


3 (8%) - One Tree Hill
10 (27%) - Life Unexpected

19 (51%) - No Ordinary Family (new)
5 (13%) - Dancing With the Stars
8 (21%)D - etroit 1-8-7 (new)

9 (24%) - NCIS
4 (10%) - NCIS: LA
9 (24%) - The Good Wife

17 (45%) - Glee
11 (29%) - Raising Hope (new)
8 (21%) - Running Wilde (new)

5 (13%) - The Biggest Loser
9 (24%) - Parenthood


  1. I'll try the sitcoms. The last show on Tuesday I watched was Frasier.

  2. Tuesdays will be a fairly slow day for me. I will watch both The Biggest Loser and Parenthood live. I will DVR Life Unexpected, and DVR Detroit 1-8-7 to see if I like it. Somehow I will watch Raising Hope, perhaps instead of The Biggest Loser at 9pm.

  3. I will watch Life Unexpected, No Ordinary Family (DVR), and Glee.

  4. Tuesdays continue to be nothing for me. I might try the FOX comedies, but I expect them to not be too good. I usually turn to cable on this night, or catch up on the DVR.

    I wish FOX would bring HOUSE back to the night.


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