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POLL: How much of the Winter Olympics will you watch over the next 16 days?

It is finally here. The Vancouver Winter Olympics. NBC plans on airing hundreds of hours over six of its TV and cable networks. The games always gets good ratings, but will YOU be watching? That is the subject of our POLL QUESTION.

How much of the Winter Olympics will you watch over the next 16 days?

Also, leave comments about what is your favorite Winter Olympic Sports.


8 (36%) - NONE: Zero Hours
2 (9%) - A Little Bit: 1-10 Hours
2 (9%) - Some: 10-25 hours
2 (9%) - A good Amount: 25-40 Hours
2 (9%) - A Lot: 40-55 hours
6 (27%) - As Much as I Can: 55+ hours


  1. I'll watch the Opening Ceremonies and the ice skating definetely. Beyond that, I'll probably only watch it if nothing else interesting is on.

    Favorite winter olympic sport? Probably obvious by my above post, but ice skating.

  2. I will watch most of the sports that don't require style points, like figure skating, snowboarding and ski jump. Gotta love the biathalon, shooting and skiing.


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