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CW Board Members Talk About the Network’s Future

(from B&C) The CW lost somewhere between $25 million and $50 million last year, according to Bernstein Research, but the network’s owners aren’t thinking of pulling the plug, B&C reports.

Executives at CBS and Warner Bros. — which jointly own the network — told B&C that the other assets being created by the venture, including syndication, international, digital, and home-entertainment revenues, offset the network losses.

Warner Bros. TV Group President Bruce Rosenblum told B&C that “So long as the economic model is consistent or better than it is today, we see no reason not to be fully invested and supportive of The CW as a brand, as a broadcast network and whatever ancillary businesses are developed as a result of this investment,” adding that, “There's not an end date to the network.”

--Elizabeth Jensen


  1. I find it hard to believe that the overall structure of The CW is "Even" when it comes to profits and losses.

    of course, they are only producing about 7 hours of original material each week and they have almost no development in the works. just the one or two seires they end up picking up for the following season.

    International and Digital have got to be the cash cows of the operation. But, how long with CBS and WB continue to "Break Even" each year with their investment?

    But, I guess we can stop, for now, call for the end of the basement network. I guess we'll have at least another year of it.

  2. If they don't mind losing some money, perhaps they should put that into creating better shows, taking a *little* bit of risk, and advertising like hell! CBS is known to take no risks but they're a proven network -- number one, in fact! When you're the bottom of it all, you've got to do something. I would like to see The CW thrive as a network this decade. But one can only hope.


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