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Tis the Season....

Tis the season to be cancelled... Fa la la la la -la la la la

It has been a very busy week for NBC, ABC and even FOX. As the November sweeps are hitting mid-stride, the three nets are (finally) getting rid of some of the dead weight from their schedule.

ABC has already announced (unofficially) that Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money are gone. Plus Boston Legal ends it run and Suppernanny is not currently on the mid-season schedule. Now comes word that NBC is giving the AXE to the always low rated Lipstick Jungle and new drama My Own Worst Enemy. Personally, NBC need to keep chopping with the AXE.

The FOX news isn't as exciting as it will cancel 14 year veteran MAD-TV from it's Late Night schedule.

Now, is it really a surprise that any of these shows will soon be gone? The real surprise, as we all try to plea and speculate, is will any other entity try to pick them up? I think only MAD-TV has any chance of life after FOX, but I also doubt that will happen.

I am sure that more cancelation will bee anounced soon, and let truely hope Worst Week is among them. So, as I always say when this happens, Don't be sad because your favorite show was cancelled. Look at it as a opportunity to discover a new show to become your favorite.

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