TOP 10: TV Catchphrases
Catchphrases have been a staple on TV for as long as TV has been around. From "Say good night Gracie" of the BURNS & ALLEN SHOW to THE BIG BANG THEORY's "Bazinga!" We love and repeat our favorite catchphrases. I will attempt to list the TOP 10 catchphrases of all time.
#10 - "Good Night, John Boy"
From THE WALTONS, this catchphrase was heard at the end of almost every episode. The family would go to bed, saying their good-nights, and "Good Night John Boy" was always the last to be said.
#9 - "Oh, my God! They Killed Kenny"
SOUTHPARK has been on TV for 16 years and almost every episode, the character Kenny is killed. And, as if the viewers didn't know, one or all the three main character would screem "Oh my God, They killed Kenny!" It is not as popular now as it was in the early part of the series run, but you still hear some people using the 15+ year quote today.
#8 - "Bazinga!"
The only catchphrase from a series still in production, "Bazinga!" is not only said by thousands of people every day, but you can purchase t-shirts, hats, cups, glasses, or whatever you want with the simple, one word catchphrase from THE BIG BAG THEORY.
#7 - "D'oh!"
Who doesn't say "D'oh" when they screw up or forget something? There is a little Homer Simpson in all of us and this will be his lasting mark on society.
#6 - "Kiss My Grits"
This may be my first controversial catchphrase. The series ALICE has been off the air for about 30 years, and the character Flo, has not been on the series longer than that. It is not as well know today, but it is still used. Admit it, you've told someone to "Kiss My Grits" not too long ago.
#5 - "Sock It to Me"
This catchphrase comes from the 60's variety series LAUGH-IN and is the only on on this list from a former #1 program. Movie stars, TV personalities, authors, and politicians would find away to get on the series for five seconds, just to tell America, "Sock It To Me!"
#4 - "Book 'em, Danno"
With the successful remake of the series HAWAII FIVE-O, "Book 'em Danno" has a whole new generation using the phrase, that is now 45 years old. The longevity and resurgence of the classic series makes this a top 5 catchphrase.
#3 - "Live Long and Prosper"
As long as STAR TREK is around, the catch phrase made popular by the character Spock will always "Live Long, and Prosper." There is a second catchphrase that could have made this list, "Beam Me Up Scotty," but it has not really been used since the 6th movie, 20+ years ago.
#2 - "Holy ____, Batman!"
Campy or not, the catchphrase Robin seemed to always say to Batman, "Holy ____, Batman!" will never die. As long as Batman is around, so will this catchphrase be around.
#1 - "That's what she said"
This catchphrase is #1 not because it is widely popular or is said by million on a daily basis. It is #1 because it can be used in any situation, innuendo intended or not.
Bob says "I couldn't eat another bite." Dan replies "That's what she said!"
#10 - "Good Night, John Boy"
From THE WALTONS, this catchphrase was heard at the end of almost every episode. The family would go to bed, saying their good-nights, and "Good Night John Boy" was always the last to be said.
SOUTHPARK has been on TV for 16 years and almost every episode, the character Kenny is killed. And, as if the viewers didn't know, one or all the three main character would screem "Oh my God, They killed Kenny!" It is not as popular now as it was in the early part of the series run, but you still hear some people using the 15+ year quote today.
#8 - "Bazinga!"
The only catchphrase from a series still in production, "Bazinga!" is not only said by thousands of people every day, but you can purchase t-shirts, hats, cups, glasses, or whatever you want with the simple, one word catchphrase from THE BIG BAG THEORY.
Who doesn't say "D'oh" when they screw up or forget something? There is a little Homer Simpson in all of us and this will be his lasting mark on society.
#6 - "Kiss My Grits"
This may be my first controversial catchphrase. The series ALICE has been off the air for about 30 years, and the character Flo, has not been on the series longer than that. It is not as well know today, but it is still used. Admit it, you've told someone to "Kiss My Grits" not too long ago.
This catchphrase comes from the 60's variety series LAUGH-IN and is the only on on this list from a former #1 program. Movie stars, TV personalities, authors, and politicians would find away to get on the series for five seconds, just to tell America, "Sock It To Me!"
#4 - "Book 'em, Danno"
With the successful remake of the series HAWAII FIVE-O, "Book 'em Danno" has a whole new generation using the phrase, that is now 45 years old. The longevity and resurgence of the classic series makes this a top 5 catchphrase.
As long as STAR TREK is around, the catch phrase made popular by the character Spock will always "Live Long, and Prosper." There is a second catchphrase that could have made this list, "Beam Me Up Scotty," but it has not really been used since the 6th movie, 20+ years ago.
#2 - "Holy ____, Batman!"
Campy or not, the catchphrase Robin seemed to always say to Batman, "Holy ____, Batman!" will never die. As long as Batman is around, so will this catchphrase be around.
#1 - "That's what she said"
This catchphrase is #1 not because it is widely popular or is said by million on a daily basis. It is #1 because it can be used in any situation, innuendo intended or not.
Bob says "I couldn't eat another bite." Dan replies "That's what she said!"
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